Wednesday 1 October 2014

Bob Marley Interview

Bob Marley Interview

*Interview with Bob Marley in 1980*
Me: Reggae music was born in the poverty and filth of the slums in Jamaica in the 1960s. But over the past decade it’s become the war cry of the not so beautiful Jamaicans; the street people, the hustlers, the smoker and the pushers. Reggae and reggae bands have become a musical raze throughout the world, however to many in the Caribbean it is the sound of revolution. Leading this musical raze is the sensational reggae band, Bob Marley and the Wailers. And today I have the pleasure of interviewing this human icon, please give it up for the legendary Bob Marley.

*Shakes hands with Bob Marley as he walks onto set of the Tonight Show*

Me: A pleasure to have you here

Bob: Pleasure to be here man

Me: You are just everywhere nowadays, and I personally love your music and what you stand for. Could you just tell everyone what your message is briefly when you make music? Like what do you want people to feel or think about when hearing your music?

Bob: Just as my song says y’knaw Get up, stand up, Stand up for your rights. Get up, stand up, Don't give up the fight. I want people to fight for what dey believe in, life is short you know? Live it to its fullest.

Me: Of course, of course. Now I’m sorry about what’s happening currently in Jamaica about the civil and having your country divided into two, how do you feel about that?

Bob: How I feel about that? Why do you tink I go beck there man, you tink because I like de view? No I go beck there because my home is being destroyed, and I feel I need to fix it somehow. I do not want to die without feeling I coulda made some difference.  

Me: Very admirable, I was just going to mention your ‘Just Smile’ concert in Jamaica, how was it?

Bob: It was okay I could not really perform good because of de people who shoot me, I was in much pain.

Me: Yeah must have been, but how and why do you believe that your music and concerts could help your community?

Bob: It helps de people in Jamaica back home I tink because with all this war and hate between them dey need something y’knaw to help them not tink bout what is happening.

Me: I think it’s amazing how you still went to the concert and performed after being shot, they really mean a lot to you don’t they?

Bob: Dey mean everything to me man, I have da best family back home. I will tell you something my friend even though I do not live there, it is home to me, it is where my heart is and always will be.

 Me: Lets talk about your music, specifically redemption song. Now whats it all about to you?

Bob: In my career there were two things I stood for tha most ya feel, it is freedom and redemption. Meaning anyone can come back from anyting man. But more dan dat it is a song dat reminds people to stand up for themselves and tha people they love.

Me: Will you sing a little for us of that song?

Bob: Always willing my friend

Me: Alright this is Bob singing his hit song acoustically “Redemption Song”

Me: That was AMAZING! Give it up one more time for Bob Marley and The Wailers!

Bob: Thank you always a pleasure. 

*Show ends*

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