Saturday 23 May 2015

How to write about Arabs

Always and this is a must when writing about Arabs, in your title do NOT ever have any other name than Ahmad, Mahmoud, or Mohammed in the title, and make sure you mention something either about their struggles, or them being in sand, doesn't matter where they are actually from. To be honest you know what would be better? Don’t mention where he’s from, generalize him as Arab, because you and I both know they are all exactly alike; they’re all towel heads, and terrorists, so just by saying the word Arab you gave off the connotation of that’s who he is. 

Also, if you want to put a picture of who your character is and his culture, put a picture of an Arab holding a stick with one hand and him being on the side of a sand dune with a camel leash in his other.

In your text treat the Arab culture as one country. It is a hot and dusty wasteland where everyone is under the rule of some dictator J. In that ‘country’ every person has their own farm, with goats and camels only, be sure to state no other animal but those two. Oh and something you should already know, but I put it in a fun way to remember which is that ‘all Arabs are Muslims and all Muslims are terrorists’, or in a simpler nice little anagram ‘AAMMT’. For those of you reading this and wanting to write a text about Arabs and do not know what I mean, look up 9/11 and do not let anyone reading your pieces of work forget it.

 Obviously (and this goes without saying) BLAME THE WHOLE RELIGION. Not the 19 hijackers that actually did it, no, blame all Arabs and therefore all Muslims (referencing back to the fun anagram). So therefore label any Arab you see, make sure to push the idea that they all are terrorists, and that they should go back to their tepees and 4 wives.  

To be honest what else is there to write about? I feel like I’m missing something, let’s go through the checklist;
1.       I mentioned that they are all terrorists
2.       I mentioned that all Arabs come from one country
3.       AAMMT
4.       9/11
5.       Towel heads

Oh that’s right just to top everything off and show that there is a little good in having Arabs around, mention that the only use they have is that they can supply oil. Don’t mention that Russia, or China supplies a lot of oil as well just so you don’t come off as too offensiveJ.  If you use what I have taught you in this article, you will have the most factual piece of work about Arabs ever. You’re welcome! 

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