Monday 8 December 2014

FOA reflection

My further oral activity was based around AXE the multi-national co-operation, but more solely focused on how they use advertising techniques to attract the male audience. The overall feeling I had when I was done with my presentation was that I was feeling very confident, because I practiced it and put a lot of effort into it. Therefore when I went to present I did not feel that nervous which made my whole presentation a lot better, because I had confidence to talk; which I believe attracted the audience to pay more attention to my presentation. Therefore I believe I was very successful. By looking at the criteria I believe my strengths are definitely criterion A and B. “A” because: I understood the material I was explaining thoroughly well I gave detail, examples, I went into depth with my analysis etc. And “B” because, I broke down all the language in each ad differently. For example: my first ad didn’t really have much language but I talked about how the language in the music in the background added to that effect, or how the second one I broke it down in terms of language claims, and lastly the third one with the use of breaking down the script into the four parts (supernatural, nature, man-made, and man), they were all broken down differently to show variety and diversity and I believe I did show that in my presentation. I chose my text because I felt that no one has done that yet, I mean focus on “advertising techniques” and I thought it might have been interesting to break down how one specific company uses them (AXE). The thing I learnt most in this FOA is that it takes a lot of presentation, I mean if you go up there with nothing prepared then it will be harder. Therefore, there’s a lot of presentation, preparation, rehearsal etc. By doing this it will help me later on in future FOA’s.